Tuesday 30 November 2010

Canimal is leaving - sale

So having known this for a while, I checked her blog again and saw that the owner of Canimal has set everything to 50L or under! If you've ever wanted anything from her store now is a great time to go and get it; it'll all be gone next week (I'm a week later blogging about this sorry!)

As said everything is 50L or under; which means there are items there which are 0L and even 10L so it's worth checking out whatever your budget!

She's had a well known presence on secondlife and while her items are old, as she says in her own words: " it may not be the newest fashions but it's still a hell of a lot better then a LOT of the shit that's out there."

Her clothes are...scene kid-ey but quite goth too; all lovely designs! I personally went for a colourful harajuki girl look!

I had a lot of fun!

Everything apart from skin, hair and shoes are from Canimal!


  1. Hello how are you? :D
    Nice to meet you. I'm blogger of the blog called Bagunçário (http://baguncario.wordpress.com). I loved your blog so I wanted to exchange linkage with you. I hope to hear a positive answer from you haha.

    Take care, and Blessings.

  2. Awesome, i'm glad to hear YES from you haha!
    I hope we can meet in-world. Just added you on my list <3 yay
    Mouuuuah, have nice day honn!


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