Tuesday 2 November 2010

Granny chic!

Been feeling a bit quirky reccently; I wanted to try out a new style - Granny chic. However, I honestly do not know any grannys that wear anything close to this, so maybe I'm doing it wrong?!

Hair: Truth
Skin: Cupcakes
Fur collar: *Wave* (freebie)
Necklace + Bag: Chuculet (cheapie)
Skirt *part of dress*: Tulip (freebie).
Shoes: Baby Monkey (freebie)
Jumper: No idea! I just know they are not around anymore!

Jacket - AWRAM-VIE (lucky board) - changes quickly!
Bracelet and head band: Chuculet (Cheapies!)
Dress: Modd.G (Part of their new autumn range!)
Tights: Doux petit!
Hair: Truth
Skin: Cupcakes

Bow: Epoque (not sure if it's an old freebie or something! just seemed to be in my invent)
Hair: Truth (free)
Jumper: CoCo (group gift)
Skirt: Honey*Soul (Group gift)
Skin: Cupcakes
Tights: Haysuriza (Gift in store - big pack of them!)
Boots: CoCo (group gift)
Bag: Tee*Fy (from the Gatcha at the fair)
Glasses: Artilleri (Part of their clearance stuff)

Lots and lots of freebies there! :)

Hope you enjoyed! *blows kisses*

1 comment:

  1. Holy poop.
    Those are almost identical to the outfits my grandma wears. Minus only the hair bows. You are doing it right.


Thanks for your comment!!! Much appreciated.