Sunday 7 November 2010

Pretty handsome awkward

In my travels, I came across an old store; Discord. In all they have 16 lucky chairs, 3 prize boards and tons of group gifts! (We can be so spoilt sometimes!) So here are three of my favourite items I picked up!

The trouser sets are advertised for men; but I honestly think they look just as good for us girlies! Ya know, showing boobies = always good! They do come with undershirts for those who don't want to show as much skin! But, if you've got them...flaunt them!

Hair: Truth
Skin: Cupcakes (London)
Necklace: Ticky Tacky
Outfit: Group gift - Discord

Skin: Cupcakes
Hair: Truth
Outfit: Discord - Lucky chairs

Hair: Truth
Skin: Cupcakes
Dress: Discord; Group gift
Shoes: Maitreya

Pictures taken at Lost world. It's a stunning place! I had so much fun exploring.

And the reason for the title? Well, I've been listening to The Used today. I had Pretty Handsome Awkward mostly on repeat! XD


  1. I think I love your blog for your cool sim finds as much as your freebies and styles. xD
    Discord is badass. I also usually wear the guys' gifts as much as the girl ones. They're so awesomely unique.
    And I love the items for sale in that sim, too! It's all relatively cheap and amazing. I picked up two sets of glowy elven type armor when I was last there, for less than 99L a piece. xD
    <33 for Discord.

  2. Ah yes, Discord. Anyone with a love for the visual kei movement loves that store. Always good to see people talking about it. Such a great place.


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