Tuesday 2 August 2011

Bright colours make me happy.

Another quickie today I'm afraid. My head and feet hurt! I hate being an adult!

Anyway, I'm still sticking with the bright colours this week! I'm super happy that Doux Couture sent out a group gift!! (Shown top, shorts and necklace here).


It's all bright and happy! Like me at the moment.

Isn't the skin I'm wearing lush?! Its a new release from Reila Skins. Her name is Tiffany! I love the bright eyeshadow and smexy lips. I'll be doing a full blog post on them later!

Other items worn:
Hair: (Milana) Olive - group gift.
Tights: Doux Petite

Well, I'm going to go jump in the bath. I'm super hot after today!


  1. Could you give me a tip please on what group the gift outfit is in? Or was it a subscribomatic? I tried joining one inworld group but it was the wrong one. Thanks for your post!

  2. D: It must have been a subo. I've been in it for so long that I forget. I'm so sorry x

  3. That's okay! Thanks I will still join the subo. :)


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