Friday 8 October 2010

Party on dowwwwn!

I love dancing on sl, I love partying! Most of all, I love looking drop dead gawwwjus. That Blame it on the pop hunt has got me listening to all my cheesy 90's dance stuff!

So here are some items, ready to go hit the dance scene

I've had such a busy day, so this post was done in drips and drabs! So sorry if it does not flow!

Hair - Magika
Skin - Cupcakes (London MM board)
Eyeshadow - cheap makeup
Top - Part of a dress from TGIS. (Trashy Girls In Style - freebie)
Skirt - Cupcakes
Belt - KKBB (5l)
Shoes + stockings - Baby Monkey (group giftie) - I love her shoes so much! It's so cool that I can wear fishnets now...with prim shoes!
Necklace - Ganked (Was a group gift, but you can still buy it for 100L)

Dress - TGIS (front desk, with lots of other nifty gifties)
hair - D!Va - 7000 group gift.
Shoes - Maitreya
Skin - Redgrave (My friend brought it for me T_T It's so beautiful. Never had a redgrave skin before!! Nothing against cupcakes ofc, this skin will just be my 'smexy red lips' skin.) Tights - Doux Petit

I don't want to blog too much about the jewelry fair (it's going to be blogged about A LOT). BUT, I really really LOVE ganked! And their freebies for the fair are amazing (as always x) I really adore 'dressy' necklaces and what not)
Hair - Truth (Thought I'd try out their styles. Never really worn anything by them before... I must say, I'm liking it!)
Skin - Redgrave
Necklace, braclet, earings - freebie - Ganked
Dress - Phoenix Rising
Shoes -Maitreya

And this is the second necklace you can get free at the fair from ganked. I just ADORE their stuffles!!

Hair - Truth
Skin - Redgrave

So beautiful!

Thats me for today, I'm going to explore the fair some more...find more goodies and spend lots of monies!


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