Saturday 30 October 2010

Bithday love!

This is not a freebie post or anything of the sort, I'm sorry if you visited this post to see freebies; I just wanted to say thank you to a few of my secondlife friends and my real life family. :)

I've had an amazing day; my fiancee took me to Lakeside (which is a huuuge shopping centre). I spent tons of money! In all, it has been an amazing day.

So, just want to say thanks to my second life friends and any readers of this blog! :)

I've been up since 6am. It's now 10pm. I'm so totally tired!! :) So I'm going to go lay day and snuggle with my amazing fiancee who gave me such a wonderful day!

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaaaaaaay :D
    I can't imagine what could've been a better present for you than a shopping spree. xD I'm happy for yoooooooous!


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