Saturday 11 December 2010

"You see... I'm holy. Holey, Fred, geddit?"

Cheesy Harry Potter title. Worst line of the book honestly!! Buut I swear it has relevance: Leggings with holes and shoes with socks... *drools*. These two items are a bit of an obsession of mine at the moment so I was quite glad when I came across these goodies!

Hair: Truth - Francesca (Yep, still lovin' it!)
Skin: LAQ (I feel weird putting any other skin on now...)
Necklace: Atelier AM
Heart Pin: (On the necklace) Croire Gatcha
Top: Humming -30L (I actually thought they had gone! So happy to see that they are still around)
Skirt: Narwhal - 15L
Handwarmers: Maitreya
Tights: Milk Motion - Free subo gift
Shoes: TDR

I need to work out why my pictures always come up small on this blog.... *grumles*

Any waaay! Hope your having a great day! I'm completly buried under all the stuff going on in rl and not to mention sl at the moment! Will be blogging reviews next! Action has some awesome goodies that I can't wait to show you all x

Also, if you have time; please check out my besssstest friends blog My little Fantasy.


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