Sunday 19 December 2010

52 weeks of colour and a pretty dress!

It is now week 7 of the colour challenge! And it's a shade of one of my favourite colours; Pink. This one was by far the easiest! As soon as I saw this dress in the Sucker for Hunts hunt I knew it'd be perfect!

The shop is simply called 'Freianys' and is no.40 in the hunt. So this is my take on the colour Cerise; I wanted to do something cute and romantic!

Hair: Truth
Skin: LAQ
Eyeshadow: The Whore Mansion

Do you like my new shape as well?! I've gone a bit thinner again, so I may change that...I much prefer more curves; but I think it's on the right track!


  1. Your new shape(s?) are looking gorgeous! Even though they're, yanno, skinnier and lack your waist. D:
    I think you're starting to look more like me. xD
    Yay for pink! You were made for that color, dahlin.

  2. That film is one of my favorites! the dress is lovely!
    I really want to see the barbie doll dress, I love barbie too!


Thanks for your comment!!! Much appreciated.