Tuesday 14 December 2010

More christmas freebies

Tw@ttyC@kes is giving away this sexy free little number for you of you that want to suprise your fella under the mistletoe ;-)

Skin - Cupcakes - Ashley (Cameo) winter (10)
Hair - Magika - Secret sale (not so secret now aye?)

So this little freebie comes with everything you see here, I really love it.

Plus, the cupcakes hunt is still going on; it's really worth going. Lots of skins and lots of outfits! I really love this skin; the lips and eyes are just amazing!

Not so free; but not going to break the bank are these super cute Christmas outfits:

This one is called 'Candy elf''; It's very very sexy! The bells on the shoes are just adorable!

If being an elf isnt your thing; how about being a Reindeer?!

This super cute outfit is called 'Rawrdolf'. Even though you can see a little bit of nipple it's still super cute. I have a thing for bells on shoes at the moment! I adore these hoof boots.

While you're there (you are going arnt you?!) be sure to check out her little sale at the moment; all red and green items are half priced. So, pick up something for you...or something for your man!

Have fun! x

1 comment:

  1. I see you don't have the same aversion to Christmas that you did for Halloween! xD
    Cuuute stuff, specially the lingerie. And Imma get that elf just for kicks. xD


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