Thursday 16 December 2010

Broken -_-

So, I was having issues with blue screening yesterday...and now my pc will not turn on at all.

I'm using my net book at the moment; so I can't even log onto secondlife.

My pc man is on the floor at the moment trying to fix it for me, but...if he can't fix it. Well, I'm basically fucked.

More worried about my uni work at the moment; so I hope I can at least rescue that!

Hopefully, I'm being over dramatic and it's something silly, like a driver or the graphics card. But if it's worst... I won't be able to buy a new pc till Jan when my student loan comes through.

Hope I can post soon xx

Much love.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to hear you went through all that, doll! :<
    I see a post though, so I hope that means its all good now! You aren't allowed to not be online! :D


Thanks for your comment!!! Much appreciated.