Thursday 6 January 2011

Family issues. - Swine flu outbreak.

Hi there, I know I've been bad with my posting reccently...but I swear I have good reasoning.

My niece who lives with us (who is 2) has been rushed into hospital with swine flu. I'm having some of the symptoms but not as bad! So, at the moment I'm tending to everyone and making sure we all get through this!

Currently she is on a drip, and I hope she makes it through.

So thank you to people who have followed me, and I do plan to come back! But I just need a few weeks x

Love you all x



  1. Holy CRAP. D>
    I hope you and your niece are ok, and you guys stay sane in the meanwhile. That really sucks.
    I'll pray for yous. :)

  2. All the best to you & your niece ! I am sure you will all be well & healthy !!! We will mish you in the meantime .)!

  3. *is starting to freak out*

    Dude... you ok? I hope you're just on extended vacation away from the ever addicting SL and not, I dunno, DEAD.
    Love yous girrrrrl, hope this is all a bigfatlie and you're fine and enjoying RL!


Thanks for your comment!!! Much appreciated.