Saturday, 13 August 2011

Studded shoes!

Mm! Shoes with studs how lush! And guess what? They are only 10L from the Platinum Hunt. I'm not normally one for doing hunts that cost; but when I saw the goodies the platinum hunt has to offer, I just had to!

They are from Nardcotix! I really love the pink unders!


Here is a close up the shoes:

Studded shoes

The skin is also from the hunt; from Rockberry! Really purdy eyeshadow. Rockberry really does do pretty skins, but it seems I only ever visit the store when it's got a hunt going on. Am I a bad person?! hehe

Also; the dress ('Little Dress Lightnin') is from Onyx wear; who, is having a 48hr sale (see here for more details). Certain items from stores around the sim are set to 99L. But only for a limited time.

I blogged this 'Beg Your Pardon' hair yesterday; for those who don't read my blog; it's been put out by the lovely Bubbles of Clawtooth for only 75L (you get other colours in the pack). A great deal!

Well, I'm off to bed. I'm glad tomorrow is my day off.

Ni ni xx


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