I briefly mentioned 'Tiffany' yesterday. The new skins from Reila; but, this skin is just amazing and really does need a whole blog post just dedicated to it.

As you can see, the facial detail is lush. The eye shadows just make your eyes pop! Especially as they become more vibrant:
My favourite is the pink one of course! I love the pink eyeshadow on the lid with neon pink and green eye liner under! It just adds a quirky touch.
Sadly I did not blog in time, so you only have today to take advantage of the 50% deal Reila Skins is having at the moment. Tiffany is only 1,499L for the whole pack! It ends today (3rd).
I do hope you go have a looksie though! I wish I had come across Reila skins earlier!
Well it's started to thunder here, and I hate storms. So I'm going to go hide under my blanket!
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