"Big sellout with .:\De3oR/:.,
all clothes around 50% reduce.
all clothes around 50% reduce.
After sold off, the clothes will walk into the old-dress-collection^^ and new cool things expect u. New Project will follow, with many surprises "
Turn away if you don't like seeing any of the following body parts:
and lots of flesh ;-)
I don't normally like showing lots of ...anything. I've started to become quite conservative in terms of my dress sense. However, once in a while it's awesome to be just that little bit wild.
and lots of flesh ;-)
I don't normally like showing lots of ...anything. I've started to become quite conservative in terms of my dress sense. However, once in a while it's awesome to be just that little bit wild.

Leggings - Part of Outfit 6
Top - Bustier
Hair - Truth
Skin - Redgrave
Shoes - Maitreya

Hair - Truth
Skin - Redgrave
Top - Ribbed Tube
Jeans - HipPpster with String BlacK
Shoes - Pirate Arts
I really love this tube top! Also, when you buy one, you get another colour included in the pack. So with this black one, I got a red one too.

Hair: Truth
Skin: Redgrave
Top: BoOoBies - White with Black lace
Jeans: HipPpster
Shoes: HOC 30L (found on Xstreet here)
Least my hair covers up my nips! Not sure I'd want to walk around SL with them out. But, if you're in an adult club, then, be my guest!

The bag and top is a new release from Boom! I think they are both gawwwwjus.
Hair: Truth
Skin: Redgrave
Bag: Boom
Top: Boom
Jeans: JeAns ShaRp
Shoes: HOC (see above picture)
Belt: KKBB
Sorry for the second short blog. I have the flu, and it's making me want to lay in bed all the time. Luckily, I have my fiancee, who keeps making me drinks and keeping me warm! It seems men do have a use ;-)
Hopefully next week I can be in a better routine.
Anyway, hop along to the sale at .:\De3oR/:. .
Can't wait to see what new things will be instore for us after the 31st! It's definitely a store I'll be watching now!
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