So I was reading ArtfreebiesSl and she showed us some pictures of what she looked like when she was a newbie.
I love looking back on things (part of the reason I'm a History/English student I suppose!), and I thought I'd look at the items I used to wear when I was a newbie!
Here is what I look like at the moment:
Top: Phoenix Rising
Jeans: Action (A pair I got when I first joined Sl!)
Shoes: Baby Monkey.
Quite simple really. I'm in a yellow mood today as I really love these shoes by Baby Monkey!
Jeans: Action (A pair I got when I first joined Sl!)
Shoes: Baby Monkey.
Quite simple really. I'm in a yellow mood today as I really love these shoes by Baby Monkey!
And me as a newbie...

This is when I found the whole neko scene....
Hair and skin; Dirty Lynx (An awesome neko store. It'll always be in my heart as it's where I first met one of my now bestest sl friends ; Noodle Nootan! He's ah-mazing).
Neko ears and tail; Leo-NT - Pixie Pink; they sparkle!!
Top and tattos; Rockerswear (We all have some Rockers wear in our inventory don't we ;-) )
Butt cape: Kawaii Jelly T_T They've since gone. I used to have so much from them!!
Leggings : Kiss Store (Which I find quite weird, as I just tp'ed there and it's on the same Sim as Ash's Trash!! So, I think I got those leggings before the Kiss Store existed!)
Boots - RNR
Bangles: My Pinkiee Skull
There is a big difference between the two, my shape is a lot better now, yes I'm a tad on the skinny side but not as much as my first avi!! I'm also shorter!
The reason I personally think I've changed is because I've grown up. I was quite immature when I first joined SL. I was chatting to another good friend of mine; Jane, who I met while hostessing. She thinks I've matured too, so maybe my style has just altered to fit the 'young lady' I am now.
I was going to take a picture of Noodle and I at the place we first met, but he's a naughty little boy and now can't get onto the sim! I won't tell you the reasons, but, he's going to be sitting on the naughty step for a long time!!
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