Hi there, just a quickie to say that I'm back in the world of second life.
At the current moment I don't know if I'm going to continue with this blog, while I enjoy it, it takes up a lot of time.... so perhaps I'll limit myself to one blog a week! :)
I see that mesh is really taking off, there really are some beautiful mesh items on the grid! Before I was very on the fence to mesh..... but this dress looks amazing and must be the first mesh item that I really really like.
And, Hucci makes shoes now?! Awwwwwwwesome.

This outfit is a mixture of Collarbor88 items and TDR items! One bad thing about taking breaks is that you miss loads of collections! *pouts*
Hair: .: vive nine :. Duchess Braid in Acorn @ Collarbor88
Dress: Ricielli - Valentines Gorgeous minidress/bandage - TDR (new collection) (Mesh)
Earrings: Ricielli - Valentines Gorgeous minidress/bandage - TDR (new collection) (Mesh)
Shoes: ::HH:: - Love Pump - Electric Sugar - TDR (new collection)
Skin: Candydoll - Janet
So, that's it today! Just basically wanted to say 'I'm alive!'
Hope to keep blogging,
Mucho loveo
Fay xx
At the current moment I don't know if I'm going to continue with this blog, while I enjoy it, it takes up a lot of time.... so perhaps I'll limit myself to one blog a week! :)
I see that mesh is really taking off, there really are some beautiful mesh items on the grid! Before I was very on the fence to mesh..... but this dress looks amazing and must be the first mesh item that I really really like.
And, Hucci makes shoes now?! Awwwwwwwesome.
This outfit is a mixture of Collarbor88 items and TDR items! One bad thing about taking breaks is that you miss loads of collections! *pouts*
Hair: .: vive nine :. Duchess Braid in Acorn @ Collarbor88

Earrings: Ricielli - Valentines Gorgeous minidress/bandage - TDR (new collection) (Mesh)
Shoes: ::HH:: - Love Pump - Electric Sugar - TDR (new collection)
Skin: Candydoll - Janet
So, that's it today! Just basically wanted to say 'I'm alive!'
Hope to keep blogging,
Mucho loveo
Fay xx
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