Thursday, 31 January 2013

Newness at Vershe

 Goooooooood morning! Well, today is a fabulous today. Sun is bright, it's not cold and Vershe has brought out some wonderful bright jumpers to brighten up your day!


Tuesday, 29 January 2013


Hello! Today I bring good news. The wondeeeerful Vershe is back on the grid; she's had a bit of a break but I am so glad to see that she's back and as fabulous as ever!

So expect me to be blogging some amazing colourful items and guess what?! She's bringing freebie friday back. So stayed tuned, I'll be posting the items really shortly.


Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Naughty fairy

Gosh, real life has been so busy I've not had a chance to blog! I may be unable to blog for the next week as I am currently writing my dissertation.


Friday, 18 January 2013

The day I had princesses round for tea....

Ever wondered what Princesses do all day? Well, we visit our friends and have wonderful tea parties! I had a few of the girls around today and oh, we had a ball! Of course, this is only one of my minor residences... I of course live in a grand castle with a moat!


Thursday, 17 January 2013

I hate everyone.

 I think I'm being a bit of a Covus fangirl at the moment. Currently in store there are two hunts going on , Cold winter nights hunt and the winter wonderland hunt. This wonderful "I hate everyone" jumper is the gift for one of them! So, go grab the other while you're there?! ;)

I hate everyone

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Volstead freebies.

 Have you ever read the book "The Great Gatsby"? And just wished you were Daisy, in all her beautiful dresses attending the wonderful soirĂ©es Mr Gatsby funded?


Well, now you can! Volstead are offering three, utterly beautiful, mesh dresses for exactly 0L. They are out as 'demo gifts' so are only available in this wonderful lilac shade, but I am going to go back and snap up a few more colours!

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Oh my... it's snowing!

 So, here in the UK... we're supposed to get snow this week (Yeah right!) ..but if we do, I will expect a week of being told not to leave my house and being stuck in traffic when I do go. Yes, us British can not handle the snow.


Fay got inked.

 Outfit of the day.

Happy Sunday! While hopping around the grid I came across this wonderful little store called Corvus. They have some utterly beautiful mesh creations, for amazing prices, I even picked up a few tattoos! Which is something I don't normally wear.  So be sure to check them out!

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Do you like my new boyfriend?

He does not speak much... but that's ok, I like my men to be seen and not heard ;)

Do you like my new boyfriend?

So, a bit of a different look today... I came across this wonderful mesh skeleton mask from Paper Heart, and at only 35L it was too cute too resist (Yes, I'm finding Skeletons cute. Please, carry on walking).

Friday, 11 January 2013

Look of the day.

 My look today started with these wonderful shorts from Zup they are a total steal at only 15L.


I've been loving mesh shorts at the moment and these definitely curb my craving for them!

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Rock me.

'I want you to hit the pedal heavy metal show me you care. I want you to rock me, mmm, rock me, mmm, rock me yeah' 

rock me

Happy Thursday! This evenings look developed after I picked up these wonderful butterfly leggings; only 35L from Wunderland. I absolutely adore patterned leggings and tights, so these are totally wonderful.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Antique Dolly

 Today I bring group gifts from the wonderful quirky little store 'Rotten Toe'. I have blogged them many times in the past and I adore their gothic look. The skin has such luscious lips!


The group has a 15L joining fee but offers amazing freebies and cheapies once you've joined. Make sure you have a look around the store because many of the older items (Ones I've blogged in the past!) are discounted.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013


Yes. Boobs.


There are no words to describe what I feel about mesh boobs.... well not anyway.

Awesome? Maybe. Weird? A little. Do they bother me? Not really.

First collbor88 of 2013!

 Good morning!

Time for the first collarbor88 of 2013! This event is by far my utter favourite and I look forward to it every month. I feel bad that I missed a few months honestly; I should have logged on just for it!


There are so many amazing items this month, I will no doubt be posting more looks with the items!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Funky jumpers.

 I've had these jumpers in my inventory since I returned to SL, they are just adorable! Perfect for keeping you all snuggly and warm in these cold winter months.

Skulls and dots

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Back to blogging

 So, after a long break I'm back! And I can't resist getting back into the swing of blogging.


I'm happy to see that the normal places are still open! But, no doubt in the next few weeks I'll have found out some of my favourite places have shut.